Fear is not a force.

Thys Cronje
2 min readJan 8, 2022

You can make fear your friend or enemy. However, we need the right dosage in our lives.

On the savannas of Africa, wildebeests live in constant fear. The fear of getting caught by a hungry lion or not having enough food to raise the young ones. Sometimes the dominant bull in the herd may fear the other up and coming bulls. But, the fact is, fear helps the animals to survive, run faster, jump higher, become more robust and react quicker.

Imagine what went through the minds of the soldiers that landed on the beaches of Normandie. Fear is one of the first things that come to mind and courage. And bravery. They felt the reality of the anxiety but still had the courageousness to leap. Remember, fear was never absent. They only found a way to put mind above matter.

On the other hand, recklessness is different, although often misinterpreted as fearlessness. Lacking fear can be a huge problem. With fear, the consequences of your actions are always in the back of your head. However, with recklessness, a disregard for reality creeps in.

Fear can be a distraction, but it can be a great enabler when used correctly. If survival results from being afraid, like on the African savannas, you can only become more powerful and robust. It will teach you the correct reaction to a specific situation. Fear will keep you on a safe path between comfort and the unbearable.

Bottom line: Fear can be your friend or enemy. Fear is normal. How you tap into your primordial instincts is up to you. You can either “Forget Everything And Run” or “Face Everything And Rise”.



Thys Cronje

Founder, entrepreneur and introvert. Daily blogger and lover of everything agile. www.quiet-entrepreneur.com