“I am the CEO, bitch” *

Are you?

Thys Cronje
2 min readNov 23, 2023
Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

The number of twenty-plus-year-olds with a CEO business card in their pockets is staggering. Sure, there is a bit of romanticism about the start-up world. Therefore, many college drop-outs see it as a great alternative to a degree; a 9 to 5 job is no longer attractive for those with degrees. On top of that, they are ready to follow in the footsteps of their idols and work on the next tech trend while attracting a community of supporters.

But do they understand the job of a CEO? Do they know it is not about giving agenda feedback but setting the agenda? It is their job to be the compass of their community and show the true north. However, as soon as the compass oscillates, the ship is in troubled waters.

Furthermore, they must hunt the brightest minds to fill the gaps and tell you how to short-circuit the road to success. Yes, a CEO’s job is challenging, but with focus, it gets easier.

Bottom line: Be the CEO of your destiny. It may be time to look at your true north and with whom you surround yourself to assist you in getting there.

* The social network (2010)



Thys Cronje

Founder, entrepreneur and introvert. Daily blogger and lover of everything agile. www.quiet-entrepreneur.com