Opening: Chief Storyteller

Responsibility: produce compelling stories about our products that will evoke emotions and spread across the globe. You will be responsible for our cultural north star.

Thys Cronje
Jun 13, 2022
Photo by Tegan Mierle on Unsplash

We all know them, the evil empires, the dinosaurs, the untouchables. Those that build walls around them to protect their monopoly. They’ve got one goal: making things better for themselves. Unfortunately, however, they seldom have a good story to share.

Then again, we all love a good story. It is central to our existence. Frequently it evokes emotions and shapes our reality. Think about those campfire evenings where we share memories.

We all know that enlightened companies have stories worth telling. They create compelling narratives that people want to share around dinner tables.

Bottom line: Remarkable companies know the power of stories and word of mouth. Therefore, they will always seek to improve their customers’ lives and tell it compellingly.



Thys Cronje

Founder, entrepreneur and introvert. Daily blogger and lover of everything agile.